How To Filter rainwater for drinking

How To Filter Rainwater For Drinking (Best methods towards clean drinking water)

Our world is facing lots of weather problems due to rapid climate changes. Overpopulated and urbanized cities in some regions contribute to reducing groundwater. Experts are combing options for alternative sources of water. Hence harvesting rainwater comes as one of the best options in order to lessen the pressure on groundwater. But how to filter…

Is Rainwater Safe To Drink

Can You Drink Rainwater (A complete explanation backed by evidence)

Water composes almost 70% of our body. Without water, there’s no you or us. That’s why water means life. We feel an extreme connection to water whenever we drink it. And we always raise questions before drinking if the water is pure or dirty. When it comes to rainwater, hundreds of questions arise as usual….

Can kids drink gfuel

Can Kids Drink GFuel (Evidence-Based Explanation)

G Fuel drink brings about a revolution in the field of energy drinks. They changed the conventional concept of energy drinks by introducing the sugar-free G FUEL energy drink. However, they consider it more of an energy supplement than an energy drink. G Fuel energy formulas have been on the market since 2012 and were…

spiky fruits yellow spiky fruits

A Complete List of Spiky Fruits To Quench Your Curiosity

A fruit covered in spines, thorns, or hair-like structures! How exotic does it sound? It doesn’t seem amusing. But keep in mind that spiky fruits foster such protective shells to fend off the evil souls from picking up the enticing core of the fruits. So what fruit has a spiky shell? We’ll introduce you with…

gray fruits and gray vegetables

Your Bible for Gray Foods (Gray fruits & vegetables)

Are you searching for your favorite gray foods? There’s a little content about gray foods online, whether gray fruits or gray vegetables. Gray foods aren’t a common sight in nature. You may sometimes confuse the dirty little white fruits on the roadside to be one of the foods that are gray. It’s not your fault,…

Yellow orange fruits

Aesthetic Yellow and Orange Fruits (A Combo You Should Pay Heed Now)

Yellow-orange fruits and vegetables are no less powerful health benefactors than their colorful counterparts like green, red, pink, and blue fruits and vegetables. Among the yellow-orange fruits, orange fruit is the most interesting one, packed with incredible nutrition and antioxidant profile. But is it naturally yellow? Are there yellow oranges? But why are the oranges…

key takeaways about vitamin d

Why Vitamin D Is Gaining tremendous Importance These Days

Vitamin D has become a hot topic again in these days of the COVID-19 pandemic due to its diseases prevention capabilities and contribution to adaptive immunity. Everyone in the scientific world is discussing the newly-discovered and potential role and importance of vitamin D. Though adult people don’t need to worry about vitamin D deficiency usually,…

how many bottles of water to drink a day

How Many Bottles of Water Should You Drink A Day

Our body consists of 60% of water essential to facilitate all the important machinery in our body. It’s good to be concerned about the amount of water we need to consume. If there’s not enough water, there’s no life. Maybe, you’re using bottles to keep a tab on your drinking goal. Having problems in calculating…