How Big Is A 16 Inch Pizza (Best Mathematical Explanation)

Are you looking for a pizza that’s big enough to share with friends or satisfy a serious hunger pang? Look no further than the 16-inch pizza! But how big is a 16 inch pizza? And how many slices in a 16 inch pizza?

Knowing the size and number of slices in a pizza is important for a few reasons. It can help you determine how many people a 16 inch pizza can feed and how much you need to order for a party. You can do the necessary due diligence by comparing prices and value between different pizza sizes and toppings. Ultimately, it’ll ensure that you get the right amount of food and avoid any surprises when your pizza arrives.

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This delicious and versatile 16 inch pizza size has become a fan favorite for its generous size and endless topping possibilities. As a self-proclaimed pizza aficionado, I’m here to share with you everything you need to know about the 16-inch pizza. So sit back, relax, and get ready to learn all about the wonder that is the 16-inch pizza.

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How Big Is A 16 inch Pizza?

How Big Is A 16 inch Pizza

A 16 inch pizza is significantly a larger pizza size that measures 16 inches in diameter. But how big is a 16 inch pizza? We normally order regular size pizzas, and when we think about a 16 inch pizza, a thought might pop out that it could be a monster pizza! But is it really so? Let’s resort to mathematics to our rescue and compare the size with our familiar ones.

To calculate the size of a 16-inch pizza, we use the formula for the area of a circle, which is A = πr^2, where A is the area, π is approximately 3.14, and r is the radius of the circle.

In the case of a 16-inch pizza, the radius would be half the diameter, which is 8 inches. Using this value, we can calculate the area of the pizza as follows:

A = 3.14 x 8^2

A = 200.96 square inches

So, a 16-inch pizza has an area of approximately 201 square inches. This is significantly larger than a 12-inch pizza, which has an area of approximately 113 square inches, and a 14-inch pizza, which has an area of approximately 154 square inches using the same formula.

Compared to a 12-inch pizza, a 16-inch pizza is 69.1% bigger in size. In case of a 14-inch pizza, a 16-inch pizza is 29.3% bigger in area. In fact, a 16-inch pizza has almost 50% more area than a 14-inch pizza!

As you can see, a 16-inch pizza is the largest size pizza typically offered by pizzerias and has almost three times the area of a 10-inch pizza and four times the area of an 8-inch pizza. When comparing a 16-inch pizza to a 14 inch pizza, a 16 inch pizza has an area that is approximately 1.305 times larger than a 14-inch pizza. This difference may not seem like much, but it can make a significant difference when feeding a larger group or when you want to have leftovers.

However, keep in mind that a 16-inch pizza is so big that it may not fit in a standard home oven and may need to be baked in a larger oven or ordered from a pizzeria.

How Many Slices In A 16 inch Pizza

How Many Slices In A 16 inch Pizza

If you’re a pizza lover like me, you know that the number of slices can vary depending on who’s doing the cutting. Some pizza places will give you 10 slices, some will give you 12, and some will give you 16 slices that are so thin they could double as dental floss.

But, in general, a 16-inch pizza will yield 12 slices using the standard cutting method. Of course, if you’re feeling particularly hungry (or just have a serious case of the munchies), you could always ask the pizza place to cut it into more slices. I mean, who needs portion control when you have pizza, am I right?

And, if you’re feeling extra adventurous, you could even try cutting the pizza yourself. Just make sure you have a steady hand and a sharp pizza cutter. And maybe some backup slices in case you mess up (not that I’ve ever done that, of course).

Let’s make it to the point by doing some math. To calculate the number of slices in a 16-inch pizza, we need to know the circumference of the pizza, which you can calculate using the formula:

C = 2πr

Where C is the circumference of the pizza and r is the radius of the pizza (which is half the diameter). For a 16 inch pizza, the radius would be 8 inches. Plugging this into the formula, we get:

C = 2 x 3.14 x 8

C = 50.24 inches

So, the circumference of a 16 inch pizza is 50.24 inches.

Now, if we assume that a slice of pizza is approximately 4.2 inches in width at the crust, we can divide the circumference of the pizza by 4.2 to get the number of slices:

50.24 / 4.2 = 11.96 ~ 12

This calculation gives us an estimated number of 12 slices. However, since we can’t have a fraction of a slice, we typically round down to the nearest whole number. Therefore, a 16-inch pizza can yield between 12 to 16 slices, depending on how the pizza is cut.

Now, the standard cutting method usually gives us between 10 to 12 slices. But let’s be real, who wants a measly 10 slices when you could have 16 tiny slices that barely qualify as a bite? Or 8 slices that are so big you need a fork and knife to tackle them? Some places may opt for a 16-slice cut, which can be great if you’re looking for a pizza party appetizer. Each slice is just 3.14 inch wide at the crust, making it the perfect bite-sized treat. However, if you’re like me and you love a good hearty slice of pizza, this method may leave you feeling a bit underwhelmed.

On the other hand, there are those pizzerias that go for the 8-slice cut. These slices can be massive, with each one measuring 6.28 inches wide at the crust. It’s a good option if you’re looking to get your money’s worth and indulge in a filling slice of pizza.

And then there’s the grid-style cut, which can produce anywhere from 16 to 24 slices. It’s like a pizza puzzle waiting to be solved!

But here’s the thing, folks – not all pizzerias are created equal. Some may offer half-slice orders, while others may look at you like you’ve lost your marbles when you ask for one. And don’t even get me started on the places that charge extra for half-slices. It’s like they think they’re serving us gold instead of cheesy goodness.

So, the next time you’re faced with a 16-inch pizza, just remember that the number of slices can vary depending on the cutting method and the pizzeria. But one thing’s for sure – whether you end up with 10 slices or 24, that pizza is going to be delicious. And that’s all that really matters in the end, isn’t it?

How Many People Does A 16 inch Pizza Feed?

A 16-inch pizza is no small pie! With its generous size, this pizza can easily feed a group of hungry eaters.

On average, a 16-inch pizza can serve between 3 to 6 people, depending on how hungry everyone is. However, with some strategic slicing and portioning, it can even stretch to feed up to 8 people.

Imagine biting into a hot, cheesy slice of pizza that’s large enough to require two hands. The melted mozzarella stretches out as you pull away the slice, and the aroma of fresh tomato sauce and fragrant herbs wafts up to your nose. With a pizza this size, everyone at the table can share in that delicious experience.

So, whether you’re having a casual get-together with friends or feeding a hungry family, a 16-inch pizza is a great option for feeding a crowd.

Why Should You Choose A 16 inch Pizza? Is a 16 inch pizza worth it?

Is a 16 inch pizza worth it

If you’re looking for the best value, a 16-inch pizza is definitely worth it. Not only is it almost double the size of a 12-inch pizza with a surface area of 804.3 (compared to the 12-inch pizza’s 452.4 surface area), but it’s also only slightly more expensive.

On average, a 16-inch pizza costs around $19.23, while a 12-inch pizza costs around $14.47. This means that for just an extra $4.76, you can get almost double the amount of pizza. That’s a pretty sweet deal!

Plus, a 16-inch pizza is perfect for sharing with friends or family. With 12-14 slices, it can easily feed a small group or even a couple of hungry people with leftovers to spare. So not only are you getting a great value, but you’re also getting a pizza that’s perfect for sharing and enjoying with loved ones.

When it comes to cost-effectiveness, a 16-inch pizza can be a good option for feeding a larger group of people. For example, a 16-inch pizza from Domino’s costs $12.99, which is only $2 more than their 14-inch pizza that costs $10.99. However, the 16-inch pizza has 12 slices and can serve 5-8 people, while the 14-inch pizza has 8 slices and can serve 3-5 people.

Compared to the smallest pizza at Domino’s, which is about 9.5 inches wide and costs $6.99, a 16-inch pizza may not seem as cost-effective at first glance. However, the smaller pizza only has up to 6 slices and serves two to three people, making it less suitable for larger groups.

Let me make it crystal clear to you.

At Domino’s, a 16-inch pizza costs $12.99 and has 12 slices. This means that each slice costs approximately $1.08.

In comparison, a medium 14-inch pizza at Domino’s costs $10.99 and has 8 slices. This means that each slice costs approximately $1.37.

The smallest pizza available at Domino’s is about 9.5 inches and costs $6.99, with up to 6 slices. This means that each slice costs approximately $1.17.

From this calculation, we can see that a 16-inch pizza is the most cost-effective option per slice at Domino’s, as each slice costs less than the equivalent slice on a medium or small pizza.

Calorie in a 16 inch Pizza

A typical 16 inch pizza can have anywhere from 2000 to 4000 calories, depending on the type of crust, cheese, and toppings. If you’re watching your calorie intake, it’s important to be mindful of the choices you make when it comes to pizza toppings.

But let’s be real, who wants to eat a plain cheese pizza? Let’s take a look at some popular toppings and their calorie counts. Pepperoni, for example, adds about 50-60 calories per slice. Sausage can add around 90-100 calories per slice. And don’t forget about those delicious veggies! Mushrooms, onions, and peppers are all low in calories, with each slice adding around 10-20 calories.

It’s not just the toppings that affect the nutrition content of your pizza, though. The type of crust you choose can also make a big difference. A thin crust pizza will typically have fewer calories and less fat than a deep-dish or stuffed crust pizza.

But let’s be real, we’re not eating pizza for the health benefits. We’re eating it for the delicious, cheesy, savory goodness. So go ahead, indulge in a 16 inch pizza every once in a while, and savor every bite. Just be mindful of your choices and enjoy in moderation.

Homemade 16 inch Pizza Dough Recipe

Making a 16 inch pizza dough from scratch is a fun and rewarding process that can result in a delicious homemade pizza. Here is a simple and tasty recipe to try:


  • 3 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 tbsp active dry yeast
  • 1 tbsp sugar
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 1/4 cups warm water
  • 2 tbsp olive oil


  1. In a large mixing bowl, combine the flour, yeast, sugar, and salt. Mix well.
  2. Gradually add the warm water to the bowl while stirring with a wooden spoon until the mixture forms a shaggy dough.
  3. Knead the dough on a lightly floured surface for about 10 minutes until it becomes smooth and elastic.
  4. Drizzle the olive oil into the bowl and place the dough back into the bowl, coating it with the oil. Cover the bowl with a clean towel and let the dough rise in a warm, draft-free place for about an hour until it doubles in size.
  5. Preheat your oven to 450°F and line a 16 inch pizza pan with parchment paper.
  6. Punch the dough down and use a rolling pin to shape it into a large circle that will fit the pan.
  7. Transfer the dough to the prepared pan and press it down lightly to fill the edges.
  8. Add your desired toppings, such as tomato sauce, cheese, vegetables, and meats.
  9. Bake the pizza for 15-20 minutes until the crust is golden brown and the cheese is melted and bubbly.
  10. Remove the pizza from the oven and let it cool for a few minutes before slicing and serving.

Tips for getting the best results

Here are some tips and tricks for making a delicious 16 inch pizza at home:

  1. Use high-quality ingredients: The key to making a great pizza is using fresh, high-quality ingredients. Choose the best quality cheese, meats, vegetables, and sauce you can find.
  2. Preheat your oven: Preheat your oven to the highest temperature it can go, usually around 500-550 degrees Fahrenheit. This will help ensure a crispy crust.
  3. Let the dough rest: After you’ve made your dough, let it rest for at least an hour or two. This will allow the gluten to relax and make the dough easier to stretch.
  4. Use a pizza stone or steel: For the best results, use a pizza stone or steel to bake your pizza. These materials will help create a crispy crust and evenly cook your toppings.
  5. Stretch your dough properly: Gently stretch the dough out into a round shape using your hands or a rolling pin. Be sure to leave a thicker edge around the rim to form the crust.
  6. Add toppings sparingly: Don’t overload your pizza with too many toppings. A 16 inch pizza can handle more toppings than a smaller pizza, but you don’t want to go overboard.
  7. Bake on the bottom rack: Place your pizza on the bottom rack of your oven to ensure that the crust gets crispy.
  8. Let it cool before slicing: Allow your pizza to cool for a few minutes before slicing. This will help the cheese and toppings to set and prevent the pizza from becoming soggy.

16 inch pizza comparisons

16 inch pizza vs 14 inch pizza

A 16-inch pizza is two inches larger in diameter than a 14-inch pizza. This difference may not seem significant, but it actually results in a significant increase in the pizza’s surface area. The surface area of a 14-inch pizza is approximately 154 square inches, while a 16-inch pizza’s surface area is approximately 201 square inches. This means that a 16-inch pizza provides around 30% more pizza than a 14-inch pizza.

In terms of cost, a 16-inch pizza is typically more expensive than a 14-inch pizza, but it also provides more pizza per dollar. For example, a 14-inch pizza may cost $10 and provide 154 square inches of pizza, while a 16-inch pizza may cost $15 and provide 201 square inches of pizza. While the 16-inch pizza is more expensive, it actually provides a better value because you are getting more pizza per dollar.

16 inch pizza vs 12 inch pizza

A 10-inch pizza is a smaller pizza size that is typically served as a personal pizza. To calculate the area of a 10-inch pizza, we use the same formula as before:

A = πr^2

A = 3.14 x 5^2

A = 78.5 square inches

As you can see, a 16-inch pizza is significantly larger than a 10-inch pizza. In fact, a 16-inch pizza has over 150% more area than a 10-inch pizza! This means that a 16-inch pizza can feed more people and offer more variety in terms of toppings.

When it comes to cooking a 10-inch pizza, it can be baked in a standard home oven and is typically ready in a shorter amount of time than a larger pizza. However, a 16-inch pizza may not fit in a standard home oven and may need to be baked in a larger oven or ordered from a pizzeria.

In terms of cost, a 16-inch pizza is typically more expensive than a 10-inch pizza. However, a 16-inch pizza can often be a better value if you’re feeding a group or want to have leftovers. A 10-inch pizza is a good option if you’re looking for a personal pizza or want to try a smaller size before committing to a larger pizza.

16 inch pizza vs 10 inch pizza

A 10-inch pizza is a smaller pizza size that is typically served as a personal pizza. To calculate the area of a 10-inch pizza, we use the same formula as before:

A = πr^2

A = 3.14 x 5^2

A = 78.5 square inches

As you can see, a 16-inch pizza is significantly larger than a 10-inch pizza. In fact, a 16-inch pizza has over 150% more area than a 10-inch pizza! This means that a 16-inch pizza can feed more people and offer more variety in terms of toppings.

When it comes to cooking a 10-inch pizza, it can be baked in a standard home oven and is typically ready in a shorter amount of time than a larger pizza. However, a 16-inch pizza may not fit in a standard home oven and may need to be baked in a larger oven or ordered from a pizzeria.

In terms of cost, a 16-inch pizza is typically more expensive than a 10-inch pizza. However, a 16-inch pizza can often be a better value if you’re feeding a group or want to have leftovers. A 10-inch pizza is a good option if you’re looking for a personal pizza or want to try a smaller size before committing to a larger pizza.

16 inch pizza vs 8 inch pizza

Is a 16 inch pizza the same as two 8 inch pizzas? Definitely not! 

The size of a 16-inch pizza compared to an 8-inch pizza is 4 times larger in terms of area. This is because the area of a circle, such as a pizza, is proportional to the square of its radius. The radius of an 8-inch pizza is half that of a 16-inch pizza, which means that the area of the 16-inch pizza is four times greater than that of the 8-inch pizza.

To put it in perspective, if you were to cut an 8-inch pizza into 16 equal slices, each slice would be approximately 3.14 square inches. However, if you were to cut a 16-inch pizza into 16 equal slices, each slice would be approximately 50.27 square inches. That’s a significant difference in size and is why a 16-inch pizza is typically considered a large pizza while an 8-inch pizza is considered a personal or small pizza.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is a 16 inch pizza medium or large?

A 16-inch pizza is typically considered a large pizza. While pizza sizes can vary depending on the restaurant or pizzeria, a 16-inch pizza is usually larger than a medium pizza, which is typically around 12 inches in diameter. Some restaurants may classify a 16-inch pizza as extra-large or even jumbo, depending on their menu offerings.

How big is a 16 inch pizza in cm?

Did you know that a 16 inch pizza is equivalent to 40.64 centimeters? That’s right! This large and in charge pizza can satisfy the hunger of 5-8 people, depending on how hungry they are.

Is 16 inch pizza enough for 2?

Can two people eat a 16-inch pizza? It depends on the appetite of the individuals and how hungry they are. A 16-inch pizza can generally serve between 3-5 people, depending on the number of slices and the appetite of the individuals. However, for two people who are not big eaters or for a light meal, a 16-inch pizza could be enough.

How big is a 16 inch pizza box?

What’s the dimensions of a pizza box? A standard 16 inch pizza box typically measures around 16 inches in length, 16 inches in width, and 1.5 to 2 inches in height. However, the actual size may vary depending on the manufacturer and the type of pizza box. Some pizza boxes may be slightly larger or smaller, or have different dimensions to accommodate for various types of pizzas or toppings.

How many pieces are in a 16 inch pizza from Dominos?

A 16-inch pizza from Domino’s typically has 12 slices. However, it’s worth noting that some pizzerias may use different cutting methods that can yield a different number of slices.

How many slices in a 16 inch pizza from Papa Johns pizza?

A 16-inch pizza from Papa John’s typically comes with 10 slices. However, the number of slices can vary depending on how the pizza is cut. Some Papa John’s locations may cut the pizza into 8 slices, while others may cut it into 12 slices.

How many slices in a 16 inch pizza from Pizza Hut?

A 16-inch pizza from Pizza Hut typically has 12 slices. However, the number of slices may vary depending on how the pizza is cut.

Ending Notes

Knowing how many slices are in a 16 inch pizza is important when ordering from your favorite pizza joint or making your own at home. Whether you’re feeding a large group or just a couple of people, understanding the size and number of slices in a 16 inch pizza can help you make the right decision for your needs. 

So, how many slices in a 16 inch pizza and how big Is a 16 inch pizza? With the information provided in this article, you now have a clear idea of how big a 16 inch pizza is and how many slices it typically contains. So, go ahead and order that delicious pizza with confidence and enjoy every slice!

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