28 Types of Red Mushrooms Identified

Red mushrooms Identification

Red mushrooms are a fascinating group of fungi that are known for their bright and vivid coloration. With over 14,000 species of mushrooms worldwide, it can be challenging to identify them correctly, especially when it comes to red mushrooms. In this article, we will explore 20 different species of red mushrooms, their unique characteristics, and how to identify them.

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28 Types of Red Mushrooms & Their Identification

#1 Red Chanterelle (Cantharellus cinnabarinus)

The red chanterelle is a bright crimson color, with a wavy, trumpet-shaped cap and a slightly wrinkled stem. It grows in coniferous forests and is highly prized by mushroom hunters for its delicate, fruity flavor.

#2 Amanita muscaria

Amanita muscaria is a well-known red mushroom that is found in many parts of the world. This mushroom is famous for its bright red cap with white spots and its hallucinogenic properties. The cap of Amanita muscaria can range from 5 to 25 cm in diameter, and the stem can reach up to 20 cm tall. 

One of the most distinctive features of this mushroom is its gills, which are white and spaced apart from each other. Although this mushroom is known for its hallucinogenic properties, it can also be toxic if not prepared correctly. It has been used in many cultures for religious and spiritual purposes, and its effects on the human mind have fascinated scientists and scholars for centuries.

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#3 Lactarius rubidus

Lactarius rubidus, also known as the candy cap mushroom, is a small, bright red mushroom that grows in the Pacific Northwest region of the United States. This mushroom is highly sought after for its sweet aroma and flavor, which is often used in desserts and baked goods. 

The cap of Lactarius rubidus is usually no larger than 5 cm in diameter, and the stem can reach up to 7 cm tall. One of the distinguishing features of this mushroom is the orange or yellowish milk that exudes from the cap when it is cut or damaged. It is a unique and flavorful ingredient that has become increasingly popular among chefs and food enthusiasts in recent years.

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#4 Vermilion Waxcap Mushroom (Hygrocybe miniata)

Hygrocybe miniata, also known as the vermilion waxcap, is a bright red mushroom that grows in grassy areas in Europe and North America. The cap of this mushroom can range from 2 to 6 cm in diameter, and the stem can reach up to 10 cm tall. One of the most distinguishing features of this mushroom is its waxy texture, which gives it a shiny appearance. 

Hygrocybe miniata is not considered toxic but is not recommended for consumption due to its bitter taste. This mushroom is an excellent example of the wide range of textures and tastes that can be found among different species of red mushrooms.

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#5 Scarlet Waxy Cap Mushroom (Hygrocybe coccinea)

The Scarlet Waxy Cap mushroom has a bright red cap that is slightly slimy and has a waxy texture. The scarlet waxy cap mushroom, also known as the scarlet hood or crimson waxcap, is a small bright red mushroom with a slimy, waxy cap. The cap is typically 0.8” to 2” (2 – 5 cm) in diameter, and the stem is about 1.2” to 2.4” (3 – 6 cm) long. This mushroom can be found in meadows, grassy areas, and forests.

#6 Scarlet Cup Fungus (Sarcoscypha coccinea)

The scarlet cup fungus has a bright red or scarlet cup-shaped cap with a smooth, shiny surface. The scarlet cup fungus, also known as the scarlet elf cup, has a bright red or scarlet cup-shaped cap with a smooth, shiny surface. The cap is typically 0.8” to 2.4” (2 – 6 cm) in diameter, and the stem is about 0.4” to 1” (1 – 2.5 cm) long. This mushroom can be found in forests, often growing on rotting wood.

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#7 Russula emetica

Russula emetica, also known as the sickener, is a bright red mushroom that is commonly found in Europe and North America. This mushroom is highly toxic and should not be consumed. The cap of Russula emetica can range from 5 to 15 cm in diameter, and the stem can reach up to 10 cm tall. One of the most distinctive features of this mushroom is its white gills, which can sometimes have a yellowish tint. 

Russula emetica is often mistaken for the edible Russula brevipes, which has a similar appearance but does not have the same toxic properties. It is essential to understand the potential dangers associated with consuming red mushrooms and to learn how to identify them correctly to avoid any accidents.

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#8 Leccinum aurantiacum

Leccinum aurantiacum, also known as the red-capped scaber stalk, is a bright red mushroom that grows in coniferous forests in Europe and North America. The cap of this mushroom can range from 5 to 15 cm in diameter , and the stem can reach up to 15 cm tall. One of the distinguishing features of this mushroom is its scaly stem, which can have a rough texture. Leccinum aurantiacum is edible but has a bitter taste and is not recommended for consumption unless cooked properly. This mushroom is a favorite among foragers and is often used in soups and stews.

#9 Red-Pored Bolete (Boletus rubripes)

The red-pored bolete has a dark red cap and stem, and its pores turn red when bruised or cut. It’s commonly found in deciduous forests and is highly sought after by mushroom hunters for its rich, meaty flavor.

#10 Red-Cracking Bolete (Boletus chrysenteron)

This mushroom has a bright red cap with a distinctive netted pattern, and its stem is a deep, brick-red color. Its pores are yellow when young but turn red as the mushroom ages. It’s commonly found in deciduous and coniferous forests and is a favorite among mushroom enthusiasts for its nutty, earthy flavor.

#11 Sarcodon imbricatus

Sarcodon imbricatus, also known as the scaly hedgehog, is a bright red mushroom that grows in Europe and North America. The cap of this mushroom can range from 5 to 20 cm in diameter, and the stem can reach up to 10 cm tall. One of the most distinguishing features of this mushroom is its spines, which are located underneath the cap instead of gills. 

The spines can be up to 1 cm long and have a brownish color. Sarcodon imbricatus is edible and has a nutty flavor that is often compared to almonds. This mushroom is a favorite among foragers and is often used in stir-fries and other savory dishes.

#12 Redlead Roundhead Mushroom (Leratiomyces ceres)

The redlead roundhead mushroom has a bright red cap that is convex and sticky when moist. The redlead roundhead mushroom, also known as the brick cap or the redlead soldier, has a bright red cap that is convex and sticky when moist. The cap is typically 0.8” to 2.4” (2 – 6 cm) in diameter, and the stem is about 2.4” to 4” (6 – 10 cm) long.

#13 Blood-Red Russula (Russula sanguinea)

This mushroom looks like it’s been dipped in blood, with its bright red cap and stem. Its gills are white and its flesh is firm and white. It’s commonly found in deciduous and coniferous forests, and adds a splash of vibrant color to the forest floor.

#14 Entoloma sinuatum

Entoloma sinuatum, also known as the livid entoloma, is a bright red mushroom that grows in Europe and North America. This mushroom is highly toxic and should not be consumed. The cap of Entoloma sinuatum can range from 4 to 12 cm in diameter, and the stem can reach up to 10 cm tall. 

One of the most distinctive features of this mushroom is its sinuous gills, which are white and have a wavy appearance. Entoloma sinuatum is often mistaken for edible mushrooms, such as the blue-legged mushroom, which has a similar appearance but does not have the same toxic properties. It is crucial to learn how to identify red mushrooms correctly to avoid any accidents.

#15 Redlead Roundhead (Leratiomyces ceres)

This mushroom has a bright red cap and stem, with gills that are initially white but turn pinkish-red as the mushroom matures. It’s commonly found in urban areas and can be found growing on mulch or compost.

#16 Red-Belted Polypore (Fomitopsis pinicola)

This large, woody mushroom has a red-brown cap and a distinctive red belt around its stem. It grows on coniferous trees and is highly valued by mushroom hunters for its medicinal properties.

#17 Agaricus silvaticus

Agaricus silvaticus, also known as the blushing wood mushroom, is a bright red mushroom that grows in Europe and North America. The cap of this mushroom can range from 5 to 15 cm in diameter, and the stem can reach up to 15 cm tall. One of the distinguishing features of this mushroom is its white flesh, which turns pink when cut or bruised. Agaricus silvaticus is edible and has a mild flavor that is often compared to almonds. This mushroom is a popular ingredient in many dishes, including soups, stews, and omelets.

#18 Cortinarius sanguineus

Cortinarius sanguineus, also known as the blood-red webcap, is a bright red mushroom that grows in Europe and North America. This mushroom is highly toxic and should not be consumed. The cap of Cortinarius sanguineus can range from 3 to 10 cm in diameter, and the stem can reach up to 10 cm tall. One of the most distinguishing features of this mushroom is its web-like veil, which covers the gills when young. Cortinarius sanguineus is often mistaken for edible mushrooms, such as the bitter Corts, which has a similar appearance but does not have the same toxic properties. It is crucial to learn how to identify red mushrooms correctly to avoid any accidents.

#19 Ramaria formosa

Ramaria formosa, also known as the beautiful clavaria, is a bright red mushroom that grows in Europe and North America. The cap of this mushroom can range from 2 to 10 cm in diameter, and the stem can reach up to 20 cm tall. One of the distinguishing features of this mushroom is its branched appearance, which can resemble coral . Ramaria formosa is edible and has a mild, nutty flavor. This mushroom is often used in soups and stews or as a garnish for salads.

#20 Hygrocybe punicea

Hygrocybe punicea, also known as the crimson waxcap, is a bright red mushroom that grows in Europe and North America. The cap of this mushroom can range from 1 to 5 cm in diameter, and the stem can reach up to 7 cm tall. One of the distinguishing features of this mushroom is its waxy texture, which can give it a shiny appearance. Hygrocybe punicea is edible and has a mild, sweet flavor that is often compared to honey. This mushroom is a favorite among foragers and is often used in desserts, such as cakes and pastries.

#21 Lactarius rufus

Lactarius rufus, also known as the red milk-cap, is a bright red mushroom that grows in Europe and North America. The cap of this mushroom can range from 4 to 10 cm in diameter, and the stem can reach up to 10 cm tall. One of the distinguishing features of this mushroom is the milky white fluid that exudes from the cap when cut or damaged. Lactarius rufus is edible and has a mild, nutty flavor that is often compared to hazelnuts. This mushroom is a popular ingredient in many dishes, including soups, stews, and risottos.

#22 Melanoleuca brevipes

Melanoleuca brevipes, also known as the short-stemmed agaric, is a bright red mushroom that grows in Europe and North America. The cap of this mushroom can range from 2 to 6 cm in diameter, and the stem can reach up to 5 cm tall. One of the distinguishing features of this mushroom is its short stem, which can make it appear to be almost stemless. Melanoleuca brevipes is edible and has a mild, nutty flavor. This mushroom is often used in soups and stews or as a topping for pizzas and pastas.

#23 Clavulinopsis fusiformis

Clavulinopsis fusiformis, also known as the spindly club, is a bright red mushroom that grows in Europe and North America. The cap of this mushroom can range from 1 to 5 cm in diameter, and the stem can reach up to 15 cm tall. One of the distinguishing features of this mushroom is its slender, cylindrical shape, which can resemble a finger. Clavulinopsis fusiformis is edible and has a mild, nutty flavor that is often compared to almonds. This mushroom is often used in soups and stews or as a garnish for salads.

#24 Leucopaxillus giganteus

Leucopaxillus giganteus, also known as the giant leucopax, is a bright red mushroom that grows in Europe and North America . The cap of this mushroom can range from 10 to 30 cm in diameter, and the stem can reach up to 20 cm tall. One of the distinguishing features of this mushroom is its large size, making it hard to miss in the wild. Leucopaxillus giganteus is edible and has a mild, nutty flavor that is often compared to chestnuts. This mushroom is often used in soups and stews or as a side dish for meat and poultry.

#25 Clitocybe rivulosa

Clitocybe rivulosa, also known as the fool’s funnel, is a bright red mushroom that grows in Europe and North America. The cap of this mushroom can range from 2 to 8 cm in diameter, and the stem can reach up to 15 cm tall. One of the distinguishing features of this mushroom is its funnel-like shape, which can make it easy to identify. Clitocybe rivulosa is highly toxic and should not be consumed. This mushroom contains toxins that can cause severe gastrointestinal symptoms, such as vomiting and diarrhea.

#26 Scarletina Bolete Mushroom (Boletus calopus var. rubellus)

The scarletina bolete mushroom has a bright red cap and yellow pores under the cap. It has a short stem that is often red at the base. The scarletina bolete mushroom, also known as the scarlet-stemmed bolete or red-capped bolete, has a bright red cap and yellow pores under the cap. It has a short stem that is often red at the base. The cap is typically 1.2” to 3.2” (3 – 8 cm) in diameter, and the stem is about 0.8” to 2” (2 – 5 cm) long. This mushroom can be found in forests, often growing near oak and beech trees.

#27 Redlead Roundhead Mushroom (Leratiomyces ceres)

The redlead roundhead mushroom has a bright red cap that is convex and sticky when moist. The redlead roundhead mushroom, also known as the brick cap or the redlead soldier, has a bright red cap that is convex and sticky when moist. The cap is typically 0.8” to 2.4” (2 – 6 cm) in diameter, and the stem is about 2.4” to 4” (6 – 10 cm) long.

#28 Xerocomellus chrysenteron

Xerocomellus chrysenteron, also known as the red-cracked bolete, is a bright red mushroom that grows in Europe and North America. The cap of this mushroom can range from 4 to 15 cm in diameter, and the stem can reach up to 10 cm tall. One of the distinguishing features of this mushroom is its red cap, which can crack as it matures. Xerocomellus chrysenteron is edible and has a mild, nutty flavor that is often used in soups and stews or as a side dish for meat and poultry.

Ending Notes

Red mushrooms are a diverse and fascinating group of fungi that can be found all over the world. While some species are edible and have culinary uses, others can be highly toxic and should not be consumed. It is crucial to learn how to identify red mushrooms correctly to avoid any accidents. If you are interested in foraging for red mushrooms, make sure to do your research and seek guidance from experienced foragers or mycologists. Happy hunting!

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